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How to Use ChatGPT & Google Bard for Content & SEO In 2023

read 8 min.

To say that artificial intelligence has taken over the marketing discussion is an understatement. ChatGPT, Bard, and other AI content generation technologies have taken the whole digital marketing business by storm in only a few short months, each being lauded as the end-all solution.

But, will they truly supplant copywriters and SEO specialists, or will they be excellent tools that help make traditional marketing services more complete and thorough? And how will these artificial intelligence geniuses affect Google search results and how businesses are rated on the SERPs? Will this cause a significant shift in how businesses sell themselves, and, as a result, how Google monetizes its search engine?

The basic answer to these questions is that we don't know! But what an amazing moment to be a part of a vibrant, ever-changing industry. What we do know is that change is unavoidable, and understanding how to use these new technologies is critical. Let's look at the good, bad, and ugly of ChatGPT and Bard, as well as how to use them successfully for content and SEO.

Advantages and disadvantages of using Bard and ChatGPT for copywriting and SEO

When it comes to ChatGPT and Bard, many things perform really well (in fact, remarkably well), but no system is perfect, and there are problems to consider when using AI content generation. Let's take a look at some of their benefits as well as some of their flaws or restrictions to obtain a more complete picture.

With one crucial difference, both ChatGPT (powered by Open Source's GPT-3.5) and Bard (powered by Google's LaMDA) are trained on massive data libraries. ChatGPT is trained on information that was available in September 2021, whereas Bard gets information directly from the web to produce high-quality responses that are relevant today.

(If you like Microsoft Bing, a new version of Bing was introduced in late February 2023 that uses ChatGPT to generate in-depth search replies based on Bing's search results.)

That is not to say that Bard is better than ChatGPT; in fact, ChatGPT provides more in-depth answers using more advanced language skills. Just keep in mind that ChatGPT cannot use current search results in its answers on its own. But don't take our word for it; ChatGPT will tell you right away if an inquiry requires something it can't deliver.

So, with that in mind, let's take a look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of AI large language models for copyrighting and SEO as seen through the eyes of ChatGPT and Bard.

1. Increased Productivity

AI enables you to swiftly generate writing for all forms of marketing documents and content, such as outlines, social media posts, blogs, white papers, emails, product descriptions, landing pages, and even budgets – the list is endless. The copy, while well-written and using proper language and sentence structure, lacks personality and flair. Just the facts, please, ma'am!

This can be useful for creating a foundation or structure from which to start, but a copywriter is required to give each article character and provide a feeling of individualism or voice. Furthermore, the developed material will lack strategic acumen, thus in-depth market study or brand-specific emotion-driven writing may not transfer until fine-tuned or polished by a human copywriter

Another risk is that keyword optimization and SEO practices will deteriorate. To score well, your material must reflect E-E-A-T - Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trust. While your AI-generated material may be accurate, it most likely will not be able to convey knowledge and expertise or understand the context without some fine-tuning.

2. Original Content

ChatGPT and Bard are both capable of producing entertaining and unique material. The more detail and color you add, the more original and engaging the outcomes will be for everything from internet page content to song lyrics.

The disadvantage is that if you ask the same question on ChatGPT or Bard numerous times, you will almost certainly get the same (or very similar) responses. While this is fantastic for consistency, it also means that other people may be using the same keywords/query, resulting in several instances of duplicating content online, which is disastrous for SEO performance.

3. Adaptability

ChatGPT and Bard can both generate text that speaks to a wide range of industries and niche markets while also adjusting the writing style, voice, and tone based on the query criteria. Language accuracy can also be provided by AI technologies such as ChatGPT and Bard. Copy is virtually always grammatically correct and fluid, with no syntax problems. Keywords can also be optimized and altered inside the material, however, a human copywriter should be used to guarantee it reads properly.

To ensure that your essay reflects your personality or distinct writing style, you must add the necessary humor and flair to make it your own.

AI simply has limited contextual understanding and cannot produce emotional appeal in the same way that a human copywriter can.

4. Value for Money

ChatGPT and Bard are now free services, though ChatGPT does offer a subscription service with 'Pro Features' such as GPT-4. So, for the time being, adopting AI can be highly cost-effective, particularly for small organizations and startups looking to generate content without incurring the entire cost of a copywriter.

5. Inaccuracy Risk & Ethical Concerns

Chatbots powered by GPT-3 or Bard may generate text with factual mistakes or errors, necessitating thorough proofreading and possibly additional editing to ensure the content respects your brand voice and marketing guidelines. There may also be difficulties with plagiarism, copyright infringement, and the ethical implications of replacing human workers with automation as the usage of AI expands.

To summarise, ChatGPT and Bard are intriguing AI tools, but to execute top-tier keyword research and generate authoritative, expert content, you still need the talent and creativity that can only be provided by a person (for the time being). Furthermore, Google algorithms are always evolving, and when search engines catch up with this new technology, there is always the risk that sites that use AI-generated content could face harsh penalties or lose rank in the SERPs – only time will tell.

ChatGPT was trained on over 500 billion pieces of information from websites, news stories, novels, and other sorts of content, using 175 billion parameters or variables. ChatGPT may reply to prompts for a wide range of requests, including emails, poems, song lyrics, outlines, reviews, marketing copy, screenplays, and business plans, to name a few

Similarly, Bard, a huge LaMDA-based language model, was trained using Infiniset, a dataset comprised of vast volumes of internet material specifically chosen to improve Bard's ability to engage in discussion.

Natural language processing (NLP) tasks and machine learning algorithms are used by ChatGPT and Bard to create detailed text-based responses to your requests. There are a few basic principles to follow when utilizing Bard or ChatGPT for copywriting.

First and foremost, neither will generate violent or tawdry material, so bear that in mind whether you're reviewing films or creating hot fan fiction. Second, you may encounter issues if one or both are active, particularly ChatGPT. Access has improved, however, it can be difficult during business hours. Finally, if you use a VPN, you may wish to disable it. VPNs appear to be preventing several open-source AI platforms from functioning properly.

Try These Bard and ChatGPT Ideas

1. Begin with the digital writer's 'bread and butter' - blog posts, landing pages, eBooks, case studies, email marketing, and social media posts may all be optimized by developing outlines, constructing the factual 'bones' of a piece, or crafting whole texts with Bard and ChatGPT. Putting your spin on your project will help it stand out from the crowd.

When learning how to write a blog with ChatGPT or Bard, the optimum method may require some trial and error. ChatGPT and Bard can help you pick your subject and then identify a 'hook' to keep it interesting.

2. ChatGPT and Bard are both excellent for simplifying language written with complex ideas. Unless you're writing for a technical or advanced readership, you want to keep your readability simple, and both platforms do an outstanding job of restating ideas in a more concise format.

3. If you do interviews for your content, ChatGPT, in particular, is excellent at producing potential questions, responses for follow-up, and interview scenarios.

4. As for how to use ChatGPT for business, GPT-3 has learned math abilities and can assist with budgeting, forecasting, and generating projections. It can generate a full-fledged business plan or summarise financial data. It can also generate code for your development projects and collect data if necessary.

5. If you make movies or podcasts, Bard and ChatGPT content providers can write scripts for the topics you specify. In truth, Whisper, a speech-to-text tool from ChatGPT, can simply convert recorded audio to a written transcript.

6. Do you have an important presentation coming up? Use your AI tool to get the most recent, or in GPT's case, the most recent stats based on your requirements.

Bard and ChatGPT for SEO

While creating blog posts and website pages appears to be the most obvious use for nlp models like ChatGPT and Bard, John Mueller, Google's Search Advocate who keeps the industry up to date on Google's SEO best practices, stated that using AI to generate content would be viewed as spam and would be removed from Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). The question of "Can Google really tell the difference?" is arguably less significant than the question of "Is it worth the risk?"

Bard and ChatGPT

This underlines the idea to always double-check AI-generated content and personalize it with your own flare and style. That being said, let's look at SEO and how Bard and ChatGPT can help streamline the procedure.

1. Term Research - By simply entering a primary term and asking for more target keywords, ChatGPT and Bard can assist with keyword research. Try searching for "Generate a cluster of keywords related to your topic or primary keyword>." ChatGPT will provide a list of terms that are semantically connected to your question. Once you've compiled a list of keywords, you can cross-reference it to determine search volume and ranking difficulties.

One issue is that these technologies are incapable of understanding search intent or categorization, and they are ineffective at selecting terms with local intent. If you have a specific navigational objective, such as locating a specific website or area, Bard may be a better solution. ChatGPT just cannot retrieve current information in this circumstance, it is essentially unreliable.

2. On-page SEO Title Tags and Meta Descriptions - AI systems are excellent at generating meta tags for on-page SEO. The results will be based on your target keywords and will even provide you with an infinite number of options or rewrites if that is what you desire.

3. Material Optimisation - Does your material require keyword optimization or increased readability? Allow ChatGPT or Bard to check it - everyone needs an editor from time to time.

4. Create FAQs - FAQs keep visitors on your blog page for longer periods of time, which increases dwell time (which Google loves). Create FAQs and answers on your desired subject using ChatGPT or Bard, and then add the FAQs to each blog post.

5. Stats and Facts - In order to establish E-E-A-T, you must have some hard facts and data. Request that Bard provides facts and statistics based on your keywords or title, as well as links to the information for referencing.

6. Robot.txt - Try a query like "Generate robots.txt rules that will prevent crawling of this subdirectory> but allow crawling of the rest of the domain>." You will be sent a ready-to-use robot.txt file.

7. Backlinks - Ask ChatGPT or Bard for a list of backlinking relationships based on your niche. Simply enter "Find popular websites related to your topic>." You'll be given a list of potential collaboration targets to pursue.

8. Analytics Reporting - A key component of SEO is the creation of reports that demonstrate accomplishments through analytical analysis. For example, by utilizing this functionality, you may be able to discover new ranking opportunities that you might have otherwise neglected.

Assume you have little programming skills and need to develop regular expressions for analytics reporting. For example, you might want to utilize specific words to filter a report to find more information for your FAQs. Anyone who understands these expressions can use ChatGPT to generate a list automatically. ChatGPT can also create formulas and interpret data in Excel and Google Sheets.

ChatGPT and Bard provide exceptional assistance to content authors and SEO experts. They may make your job easier by providing you with the tools you need to write full, comprehensive material and streamline your SEO operations.

Every day, new applications are discovered, and the list appears to be rising exponentially.

To learn more about our SEO services and digital marketing team, do contact Fox Techies. We're here to assist you in navigating these new technologies and optimizing the search results for your website.

We believe that the best services make a customer, not a sale! Get in touch with us today and let us know how we can help you build your next project.